List Master


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How do I register for the website?
Once you have List Master installed on your device, go to the app Settings | Accounts | List Master Cloud to register.
Do I have to register and pay the annual fee to sync my lists?
No, syncing is a free service (for up to five devices). The annual fee is only needed if you want to manage your lists from the website and/or sync your lists to more than five devices.
Is there a way to backup my lists?
Yes, you can create local backups by going to Settings | Local Backups. Also, local backups are made automatically when you open or close the app. Automatic backups are kept for 30 days. You can also schedule backups to a linked Dropbox account.
I replaced my device. How do I remove the old device from syncing?
Go to your Account page, and delete the old Device ID.
How do I sync my lists from one device to another?
  • In the app, on the device with the lists you want to sync, go to Settings | Accounts | List Master Cloud and create a free account *
  • Create an account by entering an email address and password.
  • On the other device, Go to Settings | Accounts | List Master Cloud and login to your account by entering your email address and password.
  • Your lists will now sync automatically in the background.
  • You can always force a sync by pulling down on any list.
* If you see your email address instead of 'Set Up Account' for List Master Cloud, that means you are already logged on from that device.
Why are my items suddenly all blank?
This could happen if you somehow set the item color to white and the text color to white, also. To fix, go into List Properties and tap 'Item Color', then 'New' and tap the text switch to change the text to black.
How do I make a list automatically sort checked items to the bottom?
Tap the column header above the checkmark column.
You can sort any list by any column by simply tapping the column heading of that column (just like you do with folders on your computer). Tap the column again to reverse the sort. And tap another column heading next, if you would like a primary and secondary sort.
How do I check all items?
Tap and Hold the column header above the checkmark column for options to check all or none.
While in Edit mode, tap and Hold the column header above the select column for similar options.
My data won't sync between the website and my device. What can I do?
This should not happen, but if it does, you can always force a sync by pulling down on any list. Be sure to pull down far enough for the syncing spinner to "lock in".
Why aren't my images and voice memos from my synced lists on the website or other devices?
Images and voice memos do not sync to the website at this time. If you want to export the images/voice memos from your device, tap 'Export List' or 'Email List' and the images and voice memos will be included as attachments.

How do I restore from an external database backup?
Email yourself the .realm file, and choose to open it in List Master.

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List Master
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